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Enrolment Form
School Tours


Please fill in an enrolment form to start the enrolment process


If you are interested in enrolling your daughter at Solway College please click on the 'enrol now' button at the top of this page. We will then make a time for you to visit the school to have an enrolment interview with our principal, Mrs Tupaea, and view the school facilities at any time during the school year. You may also wish to visit us on our annual Open Day (early term two).

Please note that, as Solway College is primarily a boarding school, day girl places are very limited and currently we have a lengthy waiting list. If you are interested in being considered for a day girl place at Solway College, your enrolment application and an enrolment interview will need to take place, therefore we recommend you complete the enrolment form as soon as possible.  As an alternative we do offer negotiated boarding arrangements for local girls, which requires girls to board in our hostel for a minimum of two nights per week.  Negotiated boarding is a great opportunity to experience some of the opportunities and benefits that boarding offers.  It is worth discussing this with the principal.

Traditionally we have girls entering at Years 7 and 9 but enrolment can take place at any year level.

If you would like us to contact you to discuss your daughter's enrolment at Solway College, please do so.  We look forward to answering any questions that you may have, and welcoming you and your daughter into our very special school.

Enrolment Process


Our school uniform is part of our Special Character and identifies our students as proud to be part of Solway College.  Girls are required to wear our uniform correctly and to be clean and tidy. We expect parent support to ensure that uniform standards are maintained.


Uniforms are available at NZ Uniform shop - 3 Albert Street, Masterton & online  here




  • Two or three dresses in regulation style

  • One regulation blazer

  • One v-necked regulation green pullover 

  • Black roman sandals (or)

  • Black milano birkenstock sandals (or)

  • Regulation plain black polished leather lace up walking shoes with white ankle socks 

  • Kilt in Fergusson tartan

  • One regulation blazer

  • One v-necked regulation green pullover

  • Striped Solway College tie

  • Two or three long sleeved white blouses

  • Black cotton tights of the approved type only.

  • Regulation plain black polished leather lace up walking shoes

  • One plain Solway green woollen scarf (optional)

  • The approved school jacket

Year 13

  • Approved skirt in Fergusson tartan (instead of kilt)

  • Kilt in Fergusson tartan

  • One regulation blazer

  • One white regulation short sleeved blouse for summer

  • One long sleeved white blouse with tie for winter.

  • Black cotton tights of the approved type only.

  • Regulation plain black polished leather lace up walking shoes

  • Note: dress uniform is for formal occasions: prize givings, school outings, choir etc.

  • Regulation black swimsuit 

  • Solway College PE shirt

  • Solway College PE shorts

  • Sports shoes or sneakers

  • Socks appropriate to the sports chosen

  • Sport uniform appropriate to the sport chosen

  • One regulation sports cap

  • One Solway College track suit

  • One regulation 'hoodie' (optional)

School Uniform

 Boarding & DAYGIRL FEES

Boarding and Day Girl attendance at Solway College is highly affordable and compares very favourably with similar schools. We are an integrated school with a commitment to maintaining affordability for our community. We offer very attractive terms which allow families to spread payments throughout the year without incurring additional charges. 

The following schedule of payments due to, or requested by Solway College, is effective from 1 January 2023 and relates to New Zealand students.





For fees relating to international students, click here.



Postal Address:

Solway College

P.O. Box 464

Masterton 5840

New Zealand


Physical Address:

Solway College

Fleet Street

Masterton 5810

New Zealand


Tel: +64 (0)6 378 2219


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© 2020 Solway College 

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